
Showing posts from March, 2023

Daily update 31/03/2023

  Start with a positive attitude: Begin your update with a positive mindset and a smile on your face. This sets the tone for your update and helps you to focus on the good things that happened during your day. Focus on the good things: Share the positive and good things that happened during your day, no matter how small they may seem. This can be anything from completing a task or project, receiving positive feedback from someone, or even just enjoying a good cup of coffee. Use inspirational language: Use words that inspire and motivate others, such as "I achieved my goal today," "I overcame a challenge," or "I learned something new." This can help others to feel motivated to achieve their own goals and overcome their own challenges. Encourage others: End your update with a message of encouragement for your readers or listeners. This can be something as simple as "Keep pushing towards your dreams," or "Remember to take small steps every day ...


  'I think, therefore I am', as the French philosopher Descartes famously wrote. By which he meant that we know we exist precisely because we have the ability to question whether we exist. All very philosophical, however it underlines the fact that thinking is at the very root of who we are. So it follows that the more clearly, effectively and coherently we think, the better we are able to live. Happiness and success can flow from good thinking in a way we struggle to achieve if our thought processes are muddled, messy, incoherent. Our thoughts influence our feelings, so it is important to get this foundation right. Once you can think well, you have the basis on which to build the rest of your life. This is not a book of tips and strategies for thinking. There are lots of those out there, and some of them are very useful, but you won't find many of their techniques here. This book is different - it's about your mindsets, your ways of thinking. It's about understa...

The Great Grocery Store Mix-up

  Once, I went to the grocery store to pick up some essentials for the week. I had a list and knew exactly what I needed, or so I thought. As I walked through the aisles, I saw a man who looked just like my neighbor, Dave. I walked up to him and said, "Hey Dave, what are you doing here?" The man looked at me confused and said, "Uh, I'm just shopping for groceries." I realized my mistake and apologized, feeling embarrassed. But then, as I walked away, I noticed something strange. In my cart, I accidentally picked up all the items that the man who looked like Dave had in his cart. I quickly found the man and explained the situation, but he just laughed and said, "No worries, let's just switch carts and call it a day." Feeling relieved, I continued shopping, but the mix-up didn't end there. As I was checking out, I realized that I had accidentally picked up a carton of eggs that was cracked and leaking. I rushed back to the egg section, but all th...

Rule 15 Be ready to cope

  Be ready to cope There are lots of coping mechanisms that will help when you hit hard times. They will make it easier for you to bounce back from whatever hits you - in other words they will enable you to be more resilient, which is what we want. If you've just found out that your father is terminally ill, or you've had another miscarriage, or your partner has gambled away your savings, or you haven't got the grades you need, or your child needs a major operation, or your new boss is a nightmare - this is probably not going to feel like a good moment to start learning lots of new skills. And yet there are plenty of skills - some we've covered, some we'll get to in a bit - that will really help you cope. So the answer is to make sure those skills are up your sleeve just waiting for a moment such as this. You'll have found out what works for you and practised it every time you've missed the bus, or had to deal with your critical mother, or traipsed into w...

Rule 14 Like yourself

  There's a strong correlation between resilience and self-esteem. If you like yourself, you'll cope better with adversity than if you don't. So everything that you can do to build your self-esteem now will make you more resilient when trouble strikes. Self-esteem is about how much worth you believe you have as a person. It's not the same thing as confidence - which is more to do with the skills and abilities you feel you have. This is about the big stuff, about whether you believe you have intrinsic value. If your self-esteem is low, you will focus on those qualities in yourself that you believe are negative: I'm a rubbish friend', I'm always getting things wrong; I'm stupid, boring, useless .. ' If you tell yourself, 'I'm always selfish, that's a clear sign your self-esteem is low. It any of these opinions of yourself are things you were told as a child, the low self-esteem will be even more entrenched. Look, I can't raise your...

Rule 13 Don’t get over distracted

  Don't get over-distracted poni dwell on it; people say when you're going through tough Ines. The idea is that its bad enough as it is, without focusing your mind on it all the time. Better to distract yourself if thinking won't change anything. There's a lot of sense in this. It's hard to be positive and feel resilient when you're wallowing in misery. A break from thinking about it, maybe some fresh air or just time with friends, is a sensible idea. You want to minimise the stress you're going through, so it makes sense that any stress-reducing activity will help. There is a 'but', though. Give yourself a break, yes, but don't play hide and seek with your troubles. If you try to run away from them, you solve nothing right now and you pile up stress in the future. Being in denial can work well in small doses - I often think it's quite an underrated strategy - but it's not good for you in the long term. If you think about it that has t...

75 Hard Challenge

This is mental discipline challenge, follow these 5 rules. The 7 daily habits.  Step 1 - Take a selfie. This will show you that your body and your new physical & mental will not be the same at Day 75 Step 2 - Drink a gallon or 4 litres of water daily. This is to create discipline. Step 3 - Read a 10 pages of any entrepreneurial or Self development book. Step 4 - Follow a diet plan. No Alcohol or Cheat meals Step 5 - Do 2 (45 minutes) workout a day. One must be outdoors.