
Showing posts from February, 2023

Rule 12 It is What It is

  When I have a stinking cold or a nasty bug, I confess I have a bit of a tendency to mention it.* Negatively, apparently. Well I'm nor going to be positive about it, am I? However I really must learn to stop doing it. Not because it irritates other people, although I'm told that's a thing, but because it makes me feel worse. Every time I mention it, it reminds me how rubbish I feel. I hear myself say. ing words like 'Ive felt better' or 'Pretty rough actually, since you ask', and ping! I feel pretty rough. What a surprise. My mother-in-law, who is beyond stoical, takes the opposite approach. When asked how her cold is, Ive actually heard her reply, What cold?' She'll insist she's fine. The striking thing here, and the reason I must change my habits, is that she copes way better than I do with a cold. She either ignores it completely or tells anyone who asks that she's fine. That's what she hears herself saying, so that's how she fee...

Rule 11 Be self-aware

  However bad an experience you're going through, you can always learn from it. If you don't, why would things change? If they're bad this time, they'll be bad next time. I spoke to someone recently whose partner had just died. She had had a tough life, having lost her mother at the age of 15. She told me that she'd coped really badly with that and was messed up for a long time. So this time she wasn't going to make the same mistakes again. Now that's resilience. Think about the things that have gone badly in your life in the past and reflect on how you dealt with them. When new traumas come along, think about how you can handle them. If you keep approaching everything in the same way, you'll keep getting the same results. So stop it and try something new. Think about what has worked in the past, what hasn't, and how you can change. Did you bottle things up and try to cope on your own last time? Well, if that didn't work I'd recommend a ne...

Rule 10 Be Flexible

  Why do engineers use steel and not ton as a structural tame or buildings? Iron is really strong, alter all. But steel has die Crucial advantage - it's flexible. It doesn't snap because it cem bend. Indeed it can be quite disconcerting being at the top of. tall building as it sways in a high wind, but that swaying is the reason it doesn't break. Steel, you see, is resilient. In scientific terms, resilience in materials means their ability to spring back into shape, their elasticity. And we're no different - we need a degree of elasticity to help us to bounce back in the face of adversity or high winds. When you're buffeted by metaphorical storms, you have to have a bit of give. You might think that standing firm and giving no ground is the best approach but, if it doesn't work, your ability to recover will suffer. Suppose you've set your heart on buying a particular house. You've been saving up for a deposit for years and you've found the house of...

Rule 9 Take Control

  When it comes to interpreting what happens in your life, people fall broadly into two camps. Those who believe that it's all down to fate and you can't change it, and those who believe that you have free will and control your own life. Science has not yet agreed which is the case, but it has established that people who believe they control their own lives tend to be happier. Believing you control your life is crucial to resilience as well. Apart from anything else it motivates you to find ways of coping or at least new ways to think about your problems even where there's little you can do on the face of it. You can't bring back someone who has died, but if you believe your thinking and your decisions will influence the way you deal with it, you're more likely to try to find remedies. Some people go on quite strict specialist diets when they have a significant illness. You might think it looks like a quack diet and there's no evidence it will make the slighte...

Rule 8 Seek Out Support

  The resilient among us are much more likely to be surrounded by a good support network. This may or may not include professional help but will certainly involve friends or family who genuinely want to help you overcome your problems. That's not enough in itself though - they have to be reasonably good at it. Some people, bless 'em, are always saying the wrong thing even when they're trying to help. However much of a friend these people are when things are going well, make life easier for yourself by quietly steering clear of them when times are tough. Think about which friends you want around you and which you don't. And think about the kind of help you need. Support from friends isn't something you just have to suck up. If it isn't helping, it's not actually support in any useful sense and you don't have to accept it. You've got enough on your plate without having to absorb negative input just because it's well meant. You don't have to t...

Rule 7 Know Who You Are

  A friend of mine was diagnosed with a very serious illness. Of Course people kept asking her how she was, what was happening with the treatment, what she was and wasnt able to do and how could they help. She found this very frustrating and in the end she sent round an email to everyone saying that she really appreciated their concern and their offers of help, but she didn't want to talk bout it thank you. She explained to me that it wasn't that she actually minded talking about the illness per se, it was that she felt she was starting to be defined by it. Now this particular friend of mine is amazingly resilient and had an instinctive recognition that in order to cope with her diagnosis she had to separate it from her own identity. She had to go on being the same person she was before she became ill and, for her, that meant discouraging other people from talking about it. She didn't want her friends to see her only in terms of her illness, because - more importantly - s...

Resilient Thinking

  One of the absolute foundations of healthy thinking is resilience. Some of us start out naturally more resilient than others, but the good news is we all have some resilience to begin with. And the even better news is you can teach yourself to be more resilient by training your mind to think in the right way. Let's just establish exactly what resilience is. The more resilient you are, the faster and better you will bounce back from anything bad, negative, traumatising. Most of us can come to terms with missing the bus, but not everyone recovers well from bereavement or abuse or redundancy or serious illness. Of course they don't, but it's still the case that some people cope better than others. So what are they doing that means they're able to come to terms with life's tragedies? Resilient people have higher levels of belief in themselves and their power to control their own lives. This gives them confidence that they will overcome their difficulties in time. I...

Rule 6 Don’t Be Gullible

  If you believe everything I've told you so far, just because it's writ. ten down in black and white, then think again. Yes, I believe it all, but you should be thinking it through for yourself. How do you know you can trust me? You've never met me, you don't know who I am, you don't even know what I look like. Just because Ive had a book published doesn't mean I know everything. Look, you can't go through life never trusting anyone, but neither is it helpful to be too trusting. And the best insurance against going too far either way is to think for yourself. So thank you for buying (or borrowing) my book and please feel free to read it. I hope you'll find, when you think it through, that it makes enough sense that you don't consider your time or your money wasted. But don't believe everything I write just because I've written it. Ive talked about how to recognise the ways people might prod you into thinking their way instead of your own....

Rule 5 Keep Hold Of Your Heartstrings

  heartstrings If you're serious about resisting other peoples manipulations and hinking for yourself, it helps to be alert to how they're trying to influence you. If you can spot it, it's much easier to resist. So next lime someone seeks to persuade, convince, cajole you round to their perspective, think about the strategies they're using. Gener. ally speaking, they'll use emotion rather than logic. Your job, as a clear thinker, is to resist. From the other person's perspective, empathy is a good starting point. If someone can convince you that you both feel the same way, it seems like a much shorter step to thinking the same way. So a natural persuader will try to convince you that you're both coming from the same point. They'll emphasise similarities in your situation or values. They'll tell you they know what it's like to have kids, or work in an office, or struggle to pay the rent, or enjoy buying clothes, or own a cat. The shared experie...

Rule 4 Beware Self-Interest

  Never mind other peoples motives for a moment - what abou your own? What do you stand to gain from thinking as you do? Is easy to think in a way that feeds your own self-interest without ever being aware that you're doing it. Its possible that your way of thinking will lead you to a decision that will make you better off financially, or give you higher status, or enable you to live in a better area. This is something that I notice often allects politicians, who are very good at thinking in a way that is likely to get them re-elected. Most of them find it quite hard to reach conclusions that won't sit comfortably with the voters. We've all met vegetarians who stopped eating meat because of their ethical views, who have somehow managed to justify revising those views when they discover how much they miss meat. No, I'm not knocking it, I'm one of them myself. The answer is not necessarily to revert to vegetarianism, just to be more honest with yourself about why y...

Rule 3 Consider The Motive

  Consider the motive. Some people are more persuasive than others. Whether they are trying to sell you a car, persuade you to adopt their plan at work convince you to come to their party, or point out why plastic bags doe bad for the environment. You need to avoid being sucked into following their line of thought blindly without engaging your own brain. Now, that car might not be what you need at all. On the other hand, plastic bags really are bad for the environment. So if someone wants you to adopt their belief or follow their advice, you can't deduce from that alone whether it's a good idea. You have to know why they're seeking to persuade you. It’s always a good idea to understand what this person wants you to believe and why. Sometimes they want you to do something as a result of their persuasive efforts - buy something, join something, agree to something, attend an event, sign a petition. Not always though. Sometimes they're simply passing on an opinion and wo...

Rule 2 Don’t Be Scared

  Don't be scared It can be frightening to start thinking for yourself. Who knows where it could lead? You could end up with any number of principles and beliefs that don't sit comfortably with the people you spend your time with. You could find yourself out on a limb. You could have to face up to realizing you've been wrong about things, or at least not been right about them. One of the barriers to being an independent thinker is the fear of being different. Look, that's understandable, of course it is. But you can take things gently. There are no thought police out there - not yet anyway. No one else has to know what you're thinking until you're ready to let on. You don't have to sit your whole family down and say, 'I need you all to know that I think your way of life is wrong and I entirely reject it. Thinking for yourself doesn't entail sharing your new beliefs until you want it to. If you start to cultivate friends with different backgrounds ...

Rule 1 Avoid Echo Chambers

  Avoid echo chambers When you're a child, you don't know any better than to think as your parents tell you to. If they say it's bad to put your elbows on your table or good to change your underwear every day, you believe them. It's part of being a child to absorb your parents' values and systems. As you get older, you start to find that your teachers have A slightly different set of rules, and your school friends may have values or opinions that are different again. So you start to modify your earlier views and incorporate others that you acquire from fellow students or friends who might think very differently from your parents. And when you're young you probably think about these quite carefully. Of course, it's easy and comfortable to hang out with other people who broadly think the same way as you. As you form your values, you look for other like-minded people. It means you have plenty in common and you don't have endless arguments. When someone el...

Think For Yourself

  Learn to think for yourself.   If you want to be a top-notch thinker, you have to do the work yourself. That is to say, you have to do the thinking. You can't let anyone else do it for you. That might sound obvious, but you'd be surprised how often we take the convenient shortcut of adopting other people's thinking. All right, I'll let you off working out the theory of relativity for yourself. There are specialist areas where you don't have the skills to do the relevant thinking, and you're allowed to let scientists, mathematicians, top-flight economists statisticians, and engineers do your thinking for you.* Even so, don't take their word for anything until you've established in your own mind that they know what they're talking about and have no discernible bias. Other than these exceptions - where you need high-level training to understand the thought processes - from now on, you do all your own thinking, for yourself, by yourself. Unless you...

Food For Thought 02/02/2023

 This is one of the nicest articles I’ve read in a while: no politics, no religion, , and no racial issues,  just food for thought!    TAKE YOUR TIME TO READ IT TO THE END.        You know... time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing years. It seems just yesterday that I was young and embarking on my new life. Yet in a way, it seems like eons ago, and I wonder where all the years went. I know that I lived them all. I have glimpses of how it was back then and of all my hopes and dreams.   But, here it is... the last quarter of my life and it catches me by surprise... How did I get here so fast? Where did the years go and where did my youth go?   I remember well seeing older people through the years and thinking that those older people were years away from me and that I was only on the first quarter and the fourth quarter was so far off that I could not visualise it or imagine fully what it would be like. ...

My Blog journey

 I like to write but never consistent enough to follow through. I feel that I express myself better when I put it in paper. My blog journey will be my entry point into blogging. Will put my effort a-bit more into this hobby.  A little bit about myself. My name is Zakaria Abu Saim or you can just call me Zack Saim. I was born in Muar, Johor and was brought up by middle class working parents. My father was a special educationist. He teaches the blind student. As a teacher, my father get transferred a lot through out the country. We moved a lot from city to city. Due to his expertise in teaching the blinds.  I practically grew up with kids around my age with vision disability. I learned a lot growing up with blinds kids. I respect each and everyone of them as they use every senses to communicate and learn. They have one of the best hearing ability. They can sense someone coming from any direction just by listening to the footsteps. I was thought to play chess board game by o...

The Story of My Life ZackSaim

The Pandemic Date 25th July 2021. It is been 2 days after my first dose of the Sinovac Vaccine. We had been cooped up in the house since the first Lockdown (MCO 1.0) Movement Control Order which was announced on 18th March 2020.  I had not gone to work for almost one and a half years now. Although I still have a job, my salary had been affected by almost half of my full salary.  During the second Lockdown (MCO 2.0) which was in November 2020, We decided to open a burger stall in front of our home. Since people can’t move around to buy food, We just thought that We sell homemade burgers to our neighbors and friends. Well, it’s been 7 months, now. We named our burger stall “Bay-6 Burger”  Why Bay-6? Bay-6 is a short form for Basic. The pandemic really teaches us to be humble and back to earth again. In every sense of the meaning. Back to basic, when you hit the reset button.  I am in the hospitality industry and we use the word Bay a lot. Bay as to where an airpla...