Rule 12 It is What It is
When I have a stinking cold or a nasty bug, I confess I have a bit of a tendency to mention it.* Negatively, apparently. Well I'm nor going to be positive about it, am I? However I really must learn to stop doing it. Not because it irritates other people, although I'm told that's a thing, but because it makes me feel worse. Every time I mention it, it reminds me how rubbish I feel. I hear myself say. ing words like 'Ive felt better' or 'Pretty rough actually, since you ask', and ping! I feel pretty rough. What a surprise. My mother-in-law, who is beyond stoical, takes the opposite approach. When asked how her cold is, Ive actually heard her reply, What cold?' She'll insist she's fine. The striking thing here, and the reason I must change my habits, is that she copes way better than I do with a cold. She either ignores it completely or tells anyone who asks that she's fine. That's what she hears herself saying, so that's how she fee...